StatLearning-01: Introduction to Regression Models

3 minute read

The Optimal Regression Function

Assume that we have a population data set of X and Y as in the figure below. We try to find an optimal function $f(X)$ that can predict the value of Y given a value of X.

Note that, for any given value of X, we have several corresponding values of Y while the function $f(X)$ will produce only one value. This leads us to the optimal regression function which is:

\[f(X) = E(Y|X=x)\]

The bad news is we may never find this optimal function since what we have is only a sample of population data. Look at the figure above again, even if we could find it, there is still irreducible error (which captures measurement errors or other discrepancies) in prediction:

\[\epsilon = Y - f(X)\]

Alternatively, we will try to find the best estimation of $f(X)$ which is $\hat{f}(X)$. To do that, we need to minimize the Mean Squared Error function:

\[E[(Y- \hat{f}(X))^2 | X=x] = [f(x) - \hat{f}(X)]^2 + Var(\epsilon)\]

Since $Var(\epsilon)$  is irreducible, we have only one choice of minimizing $[f(x) - \hat{f}(X)]^2$.

Nearest Neighbor Averaging

In fact, the data we have usually is a small part of population data. That’s why we can never find $E[Y |X=x]$. Relaxing it, we have a way to find the optimal, which is:

\[f(x) = Ave(Y | X  \in N(x))\]

where $N(x)$ is some neighborhood of $X=x$.

The nearest neighbor averaging works well when $p \leq 4$ and $N$ is large. Otherwise, it will be lousy caused by the curse of dimensionality - nearest neighbors tend to be far away in high dimensions. In other words, nearest neighbor averaging does not work in the case of a large number of predictors.

How to deal with the curse of dimensionality? We have parametric and structured models such as linear models.

Linear Models

Linear models is an important example of parametric and structured models.

\[f_L(X) = \beta_0 + \beta_1 X_1 + \beta_2 X_2 +... + \beta_p X_p\]

A linear model is specified by $p+1$ parameters $\beta_0, \beta_1,…, \beta_p$. We try to estimate these parameters by fitting the model to training data. Although it is almost never correct, but still a good and interpretable approximation of the true regression function $f(X)$.

We have here is the simulated values (red points) for income from the model:

\[income = f(education, seniority) + \epsilon\]
The simulated model $f(X)$ is the blue surface

Linear regression model fit to the simulated data:

\[\hat{f}_L(X) = \hat{\beta}_0 + \hat{\beta}_1 \times education + \hat{\beta}_2 \times seniority\]
Linear regression model $\hat{f}_L(X)$

More flexible regression model $\hat{f}_S(education, seniority)$ fit to the simulated data. Here we use a technique called a thin-plate spline to fit a flexible surface.

The fitted model using thin-plate spline technique $\hat{f}_S(X)$

As we can see, the linear model is less accurate and flexible but more interpretable compared to the thin-plate spline model. This is called the trade-off between prediction accuracy and model interpretability.


James, G., Witten, Daniela, author, Hastie, Trevor, author, & Tibshirani, Robert, author. (2015). An introduction to statistical learning : with applications in R.