Understanding LSTM
When I walked through Deep Learning Specialisation in Coursera, everything seemed to be easy until I hit the LSTM part of Sequence Models course.
Out of nowhere, all these equations and new concepts (i.e. gates) just appeared and scared me. LSTM was tough, at first. But then I found it really undestandable by breaking the big abstract concept into smaller pieces and trying to conquer one piece at a time.
After going through this post, you may find the maths behind LSTM still unreachable but you should have a good understanding of how LSTM works. The content of this post is drawn from the first coding assignment of the course.
Overview of gates and states
Forget gate $\mathbf{\Gamma}_{f}$
- Let’s assume we are reading words in a piece of text, and plan to use an LSTM to keep track of grammatical structures, such as whether the subject is singular (“puppy”) or plural (“puppies”).
- If the subject changes its state (from a singular word to a plural word), the memory of the previous state becomes outdated, so we “forget” that outdated state.
- The “forget gate” is a tensor containing values that are between 0 and 1.
- If a unit in the forget gate has a value close to 0, the LSTM will “forget” the stored state in the corresponding unit of the previous cell state.
- If a unit in the forget gate has a value close to 1, the LSTM will mostly remember the corresponding value in the stored state.
\[\mathbf{\Gamma}_f^{\langle t \rangle} = \sigma(\mathbf{W}_f[\mathbf{a}^{\langle t-1 \rangle}, \mathbf{x}^{\langle t \rangle}] + \mathbf{b}_f)\tag{1}\]Explanation of the equation:
- $\mathbf{W_{f}}$ contains weights that govern the forget gate’s behavior.
- The previous time step’s hidden state $[a^{\langle t-1 \rangle}$ and current time step’s input $x^{\langle t \rangle}]$ are concatenated together and multiplied by $\mathbf{W_{f}}$.
- A sigmoid function is used to make each of the gate tensor’s values $\mathbf{\Gamma}_f^{\langle t \rangle}$ range from 0 to 1.
- The forget gate $\mathbf{\Gamma}_f^{\langle t \rangle}$ has the same dimensions as the previous cell state $c^{\langle t-1 \rangle}$.
- This means that the two can be multiplied together, element-wise.
- Multiplying the tensors $\mathbf{\Gamma}_f^{\langle t \rangle} * \mathbf{c}^{\langle t-1 \rangle}$ is like applying a mask over the previous cell state.
- If a single value in $\mathbf{\Gamma}_f^{\langle t \rangle}$ is 0 or close to 0, then the product is close to 0.
- This keeps the information stored in the corresponding unit in $\mathbf{c}^{\langle t-1 \rangle}$ from being remembered for the next time step.
- Similarly, if one value is close to 1, the product is close to the original value in the previous cell state.
- The LSTM will keep the information from the corresponding unit of $\mathbf{c}^{\langle t-1 \rangle}$, to be used in the next time step.
Candidate value $\tilde{\mathbf{c}}^{\langle t \rangle}$
- The candidate value is a tensor containing information from the current time step that may be stored in the current cell state $\mathbf{c}^{\langle t \rangle}$.
- Which parts of the candidate value get passed on depends on the update gate.
- The candidate value is a tensor containing values that range from -1 to 1.
- The tilde “~” is used to differentiate the candidate $\tilde{\mathbf{c}}^{\langle t \rangle}$ from the cell state $\mathbf{c}^{\langle t \rangle}$.
\(\mathbf{\tilde{c}}^{\langle t \rangle} = \tanh\left( \mathbf{W}_{c} [\mathbf{a}^{\langle t - 1 \rangle}, \mathbf{x}^{\langle t \rangle}] + \mathbf{b}_{c} \right) \tag{3}\)
Explanation of the equation
- The ‘tanh’ function produces values between -1 and +1.
Update gate $\mathbf{\Gamma}_{u}$
- We use the update gate to decide what aspects of the candidate $\tilde{\mathbf{c}}^{\langle t \rangle}$ to add to the cell state $c^{\langle t \rangle}$.
- The update gate decides what parts of a “candidate” tensor $\tilde{\mathbf{c}}^{\langle t \rangle}$ are passed onto the cell state $\mathbf{c}^{\langle t \rangle}$.
- The update gate is a tensor containing values between 0 and 1.
- When a unit in the update gate is close to 1, it allows the value of the candidate $\tilde{\mathbf{c}}^{\langle t \rangle}$ to be passed onto the hidden state $\mathbf{c}^{\langle t \rangle}$
- When a unit in the update gate is close to 0, it prevents the corresponding value in the candidate from being passed onto the hidden state.
\[\mathbf{\Gamma}_u^{\langle t \rangle} = \sigma(\mathbf{W}_u[a^{\langle t-1 \rangle}, \mathbf{x}^{\langle t \rangle}] + \mathbf{b}_u)\tag{2}\]Explanation of the equation
- Similar to the forget gate, here $\mathbf{\Gamma}_u^{\langle t \rangle}$, the sigmoid produces values between 0 and 1.
- The update gate is multiplied element-wise with the candidate, and this product ($\mathbf{\Gamma}_{u}^{\langle t \rangle} * \tilde{c}^{\langle t \rangle}$) is used in determining the cell state $\mathbf{c}^{\langle t \rangle}$.
Cell state $\mathbf{c}^{\langle t \rangle}$
- The cell state is the “memory” that gets passed onto future time steps.
- The new cell state $\mathbf{c}^{\langle t \rangle}$ is a combination of the previous cell state and the candidate value.
\[\mathbf{c}^{\langle t \rangle} = \mathbf{\Gamma}_f^{\langle t \rangle}* \mathbf{c}^{\langle t-1 \rangle} + \mathbf{\Gamma}_{u}^{\langle t \rangle} *\mathbf{\tilde{c}}^{\langle t \rangle} \tag{4}\]Explanation of equation
- The previous cell state $\mathbf{c}^{\langle t-1 \rangle}$ is adjusted (weighted) by the forget gate $\mathbf{\Gamma}_{f}^{\langle t \rangle}$
- and the candidate value $\tilde{\mathbf{c}}^{\langle t \rangle}$, adjusted (weighted) by the update gate $\mathbf{\Gamma}_{u}^{\langle t \rangle}$
Output gate $\mathbf{\Gamma}_{o}$
- The output gate decides what gets sent as the prediction (output) of the time step.
- The output gate is like the other gates. It contains values that range from 0 to 1.
\[\mathbf{\Gamma}_o^{\langle t \rangle}= \sigma(\mathbf{W}_o[\mathbf{a}^{\langle t-1 \rangle}, \mathbf{x}^{\langle t \rangle}] + \mathbf{b}_{o})\tag{5}\]Explanation of the equation
- The output gate is determined by the previous hidden state $\mathbf{a}^{\langle t-1 \rangle}$ and the current input $\mathbf{x}^{\langle t \rangle}$
- The sigmoid makes the gate range from 0 to 1.
Hidden state $\mathbf{a}^{\langle t \rangle}$
- The hidden state gets passed to the LSTM cell’s next time step.
- It is used to determine the three gates $\mathbf{\Gamma}_f$, $\mathbf{\Gamma}_u$, $\mathbf{\Gamma}_o$ of the next time step.
- The hidden state is also used for the prediction $y^{\langle t \rangle}$.
\[\mathbf{a}^{\langle t \rangle} = \mathbf{\Gamma}_o^{\langle t \rangle} * \tanh(\mathbf{c}^{\langle t \rangle})\tag{6}\]Explanation of equation
- The hidden state $\mathbf{a}^{\langle t \rangle}$ is determined by the cell state $\mathbf{c}^{\langle t \rangle}$ in combination with the output gate $\mathbf{\Gamma}_{o}$.
- The cell state is passed through the “tanh” function to rescale values between -1 and +1.
- The output gate acts like a “mask” that either preserves the values of $\tanh(\mathbf{c}^{\langle t \rangle})$ or keeps those values from being included in the hidden state $\mathbf{a}^{\langle t \rangle}$
Prediction $\mathbf{y}^{\langle t \rangle}_{pred}$
- The prediction in this use case is a classification, so we’ll use a softmax.