The Simplest Way to Deploy Your Deep Learning Model

4 minute read


Training a deep learning model is cool, putting it into production is even cooler.

As a student who had changed from a business background to data science, I always found it difficult to learn and do any IT stuff. That was the reason why during nearly two years studying at Monash, I had been avoiding the question “What’s the next thing to do after training a machine learning model?”. At that moment, I knew I should somehow make my model alive by taking further steps - putting it into an application. But the idea of learning any new web/app frameworks while a lot of assignments were coming just discouraged me.

Fortunately, I had Streamlit and Heroku. While, Streamlit is an framework which enables you writing an app without leaving your Jupyter Notebook, Heroku’s platform gives you the simplest path to deliver your apps quickly. I found Streamlit familiar just as Shiny in R and with Heroku, my app was deployed in just a few clicks.

Now, let’s see how I built my first app to recognise if a person is Son Tung M-TP or G-Dragon. This is definitely a challenging task for computers as there are a lot of mutual things between these two people’s appearance.

Building Application

1. Train a model and export it

For the purpose of introducing Streamlit and Heroku, I assume that you’ve already trained a model and exported it using fastai library.

Don’t know how to do it? Check out these lessons:

2. Build a Streamlit app and run it locally

Install streamlit on your environment

    $ pip install streamlit

Create file

  • Import all libraries we need

          from import open_image, load_learner, image, torch
          import streamlit as st
          import numpy as np
          import matplotlib.image as mpimg
          import os
          import time
          import PIL.Image
          import requests
          from io import BytesIO
  • Create the app title with st.title

          # App title
          st.title("Son Tung MTP vs G-Dragon")
  • Define the function that loads the model and make prediction

    • load_learner : loads the trained model export.pkl inside the given folder
    • st.image : displays an image within the app
    • st.spinner : displays a message while executing
    • st.success : displays a success message

          def predict(img, display_img):
              # Display the test image
              st.image(display_img, use_column_width=True)
              # Temporarily displays a message while executing 
              with st.spinner('Wait for it...'):
              # Load model and make prediction
              model = load_learner('model/data/train/')
              pred_class = model.predict(img)[0] # get the predicted class
              pred_prob = round(torch.max(model.predict(img)[2]).item()*100) # get the max probability
              # Display the prediction
              if str(pred_class) == 'mtp':
                  st.success("This is Son Tung MTP with the probability of " + str(pred_prob) + '%.')
                  st.success("This is G-Dragon with the probability of " + str(pred_prob) + '%.')
  • Let users choose the source of input images with

          option ='', ['Choose a test image', 'Choose your own image'])
    • If they want to use a given test image, let them choose one from the list with st.selectbox

            if option == 'Choose a test image':
                # Test image selection
                test_images = os.listdir('model/data/test/')
                test_image = st.selectbox(
                    'Please select a test image:', test_images)
                # Read the image
                file_path = 'model/data/test/' + test_image
                img = open_image(file_path)
                # Get the image to display
                display_img = mpimg.imread(file_path)
                # Predict and display the image
                predict(img, display_img)

    • Else, they want to use their own image, let them input the url with st.text_input

                url = st.text_input("Please input a url:")
                if url != "":
                        # Read image from the url
                        response = requests.get(url)
                        pil_img =
                        display_img = np.asarray(pil_img) # Image to display
                        # Transform the image to feed into the model
                        img = pil_img.convert('RGB')
                        img = image.pil2tensor(img, np.float32).div_(255)
                        img = image.Image(img)
                        # Predict and display the image
                        predict(img, display_img)
                        st.text("Invalid url!")

Run the app locally

    $ streamlit run



1. Create Procfile and requirements.txt files

  • For Procfile, it requires only one line. Note that the file has no extention.

          web: streamlit run --server.enableCORS false --server.port $PORT
  • For requirements.txt, put all libraries needed to run your app



2. Push all the files to your Github repo

3. Create a Heroku account. Go to dashboard and create a new app

  • Give it a name
  • Connect the app to your GitHub repo

4. Make your app alive

Boom! Your app is ready for public use.